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Google Commits to Launching COVID-19 Informational Website Today

Google COVID-19 Website

Are you looking for the Google-made website with coronavirus (COVID-19) resources that the President announced was in the works and launching soon? You probably aren’t alone. I say that because it hasn’t quite launched yet. However, Google has acknowledged that they will indeed build a site where you can find out all there is to know about the virus that is dramatically and rapidly changing our world.

I don’t want to get into the obnoxious back-and-forth between the government, media, and Google’s press team over whether or Google had actually committed to building this website, just know that they have now said they’ll do it.

In a post from Google CEO Sundar Pichai, he acknowledged their partnership with the US government to develop a website “dedicated to COVID-19 education, prevention, and local resources nationwide.” The site will have best practices on prevention, links to authoritative sources (like the World Heath Organization and Centers for Disease Control), and tips and/or tools from Google for everyone (including teachers and businesses).

As you can see from that description, this is not a website to diagnose you. This is a resource site that will help you get the information you need to help reduce the impact coronavirus is or could have, possibly locate care, how to keep yourself healthy, how not to facilitate in spreading it, that sort of thing.

Looking for a Google site that might try and help you with an initial coronavirus screening? A Google company called Verily launched their Project Baseline site today that includes a mini-survey for those in select parts of California. It is supposed to help you get a COVID-19 test, but it seems to be broken or barely functioning at the moment. Again, it’s only for select parts of California anyway, though it could grow to include more areas.

Once Google launches the initial version of this site, which should happen “late Monday,” we’ll let you know.

// Google

Google Commits to Launching COVID-19 Informational Website Today is a post from: Droid Life

from Droid Life
Google Commits to Launching COVID-19 Informational Website Today Google Commits to Launching COVID-19 Informational Website Today Reviewed by US Tech News on March 16, 2020 Rating: 5

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