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The Trello Cheat Sheet: Search, Navigation, and Markdown Essentials

Sample Trello board

Trello makes a fantastic Kanban-style digital organizer. You can use its intuitive features to maintain a shopping list, plan an event, monitor your job hunt, and to manage various other kinds of projects.

Once you start using Trello to track all the bits and pieces of your life, it’s a great idea to become familiar with Trello shortcuts to save yourself time. But given that there are so many shortcuts, it’s easy to miss quite a few of them, even crucial ones, or forget about them altogether.

That’s why we’ve come up with this cheat sheet. It lists various keyboard shortcuts, search operators, bookmarks, and Markdown elements that work in Trello. Dip into the cheat sheet anytime to discover or relearn a Trello trick or two!

FREE DOWNLOAD: This cheat sheet is available as a downloadable PDF from our distribution partner, TradePub. You will have to complete a short form to access it for the first time only. Download The Trello Cheat Sheet.

The Trello Cheat Sheet: Search, Navigation, and Markdown Essentials

Shortcut Action
Keyboard Shortcuts
Before pressing card-specific keyboard shortcuts, hover over card to select it.
Left Arrow Select card on left
Right Arrow Select card on right
Up Arrow Select card above
Down Arrow Select card below
k Select card above
j Select card below
Enter Open card
Esc Close card
¹n Open popover dialog to insert new card
@ (Shift + 2) Select member(s) from autocomplete list while creating card
# (Shift + 3) Select label(s) from autocomplete list while creating card
^ (Shift + 6) Select list name or position from autocomplete list while creating card
^top Send card to top of list while creating card
^bottom Send card to bottom of list while creating card
Shift + Enter Open card immediately after creating it
e Enter quick-edit mode for card
l Open Labels popover menu for card
1 Green label
2 Yellow label
3 Orange label
4 Red label
5 Purple label
6 Blue label
; (Semicolon) Toggle visibility of label names on all boards
, (Comma) Move card to bottom of list on left
. (Period) Move card to bottom of list on right
< (Shift + Comma) Move card to top of list on left
> (Shift + Period) Move card to top of list on right
a Open Members popover menu for card
m Open Members popover menu for card
Space Add yourself to (or remove yourself from) card
d Open due date picker for card
c Archive card
q View cards assigned to you on board
t Edit card title (rename card)
s Watch/unwatch card
v Add your vote to (or remove your vote from) card when Voting Power-Up is enabled
²Ctrl + x Copy card link, OR
Copy card to move
²Ctrl + c Copy card link, OR
Copy card to clone
²Ctrl + v Paste card link, OR
Paste card to list on any board to move or clone it
x Clear all active card filters
b Open Boards menu (header menu with list of boards)
w Toggle board menu (flyout sidebar menu)
f Focus Search Cards box (card filter menu) in sidebar
³Esc Close menu or cancel editing
? (Shift + Forward Slash) Open Shortcuts page
Search Operators
Search filters return matching cards across all boards. (For board-specific searches, card filtering also works.)
/ Bring search box into focus
member:Person Cards assigned to Person
@Person Cards assigned to Person
@me Cards assigned to you
label:Label_Name Cards with label Label_Name
label:Label_Color Cards with label Label_Color
board:Board_Name Cards on board Board_Name
list:List_Name Cards in list List_Name on any board
name:keyword(s) Cards with keyword(s) in name
description:keyword(s) Cards with keyword(s) in description
checklist:keyword(s) Cards with keyword(s) in checklist name or contents
comment:keyword(s) Cards with keyword(s) in comment
is:starred Cards on starred boards
is:open Open or active cards
is:archived Archived cards
has:attachments Cards with attachments
has:description Cards with a description
has:cover Cards with a cover
has:members Cards with members assigned
has:stickers Cards with stickers
due:day Cards due in the next 24 hours
due:week Cards due in the next 7 days
due:month Cards due in the next 28 days
due:overdue Cards that are past due
due:complete Cards that are incomplete
due:incomplete Cards that have due dates marked complete
created:day Cards created in the last 24 hours
created:week Cards created in the last 7 days
created:month Cards created in the last 28 days
created:X Cards created in the last X days
edited:day Cards edited in the last 24 hours
edited:week Cards edited in the last 7 days
edited:month Cards edited in the last 28 days
edited:X Cards edited in the last X days
⁴sort:created Sorts cards by date created
⁴sort:edited Sorts cards by date edited
⁴sort:due Sorts cards by due date
-operator Exclude results matching operator
Markdown Syntax - I
Works in card descriptions, comments, checklists, and your Trello bio.
**text** Emphasize text in bold letters
*text* Italicize text
~~text~~ Strike through text
[Anchor_Text][URL] Create hyperlink
`text` Insert code inline
\text Ignore Markdown formatting for text
⁵![Alt_Text](/path/to/img.jpg) Embed image
Markdown Syntax - II
Works in card descriptions and comments.
--- Insert horizontal line
```text``` Insert formatted code
>text Indent line of text (or insert block quote)
#text Format as H1 header
##text Format as H2 header
###text Format as H2 header
Format as H2 header
Your Home Feed
Your Boards
Profile Settings
Account Activity
Assigned Cards
Account Settings
Trello Guide
Trello Templates
Trello Help
¹Hover over card to insert new card below it. Hover over list name to insert card at bottom of list.

²On Mac keyboards, use Cmd instead of Ctrl.

³Works with select menus only.

⁴Works only when used with regular search operators.

⁵Works in card descriptions only.

Make Trello Even More Powerful

From the most basic lists to complex projects with several moving parts and collaborators, Trello can handle anything you throw at it. You can also extend the app’s capabilities with these top Power-Ups and these browser extensions.

Hungry for more of Trello’s secrets? Discover a few of them with these tips for a faster workflow.

Read the full article: The Trello Cheat Sheet: Search, Navigation, and Markdown Essentials

from MakeUseOf
The Trello Cheat Sheet: Search, Navigation, and Markdown Essentials The Trello Cheat Sheet: Search, Navigation, and Markdown Essentials Reviewed by US Tech News on October 26, 2019 Rating: 5

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