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“Hey Google, That Wasn’t for You” is a Good Command to Know

Google Assistant Delete Activity

I’m sure that you have been in the middle of a conversation a time or twenty where the Google Assistant fired up in the background, spewing out random unwanted responses based off of the conversation you were having that Assistant should have had no part of. If so, there’s one command you should know to respond back with.

Say “Hey Google, that wasn’t for you” and Google will delete the last thing you said. That’s it, that is all you say to stick it to Google, that always-listening little sh*t.

Of course, you can say other things to erase your Google activity, with commands like “Delete my last conversation” or “Delete today’s activity.” Google has certainly made it easier than ever for you to kill off the history they store about you.

“Hey Google, That Wasn’t for You” is a Good Command to Know is a post from: Droid Life

from Droid Life
“Hey Google, That Wasn’t for You” is a Good Command to Know “Hey Google, That Wasn’t for You” is a Good Command to Know Reviewed by US Tech News on December 17, 2019 Rating: 5

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