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It’s Time to Vote for Google Play’s Best of 2020

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It’s that time of the year again! It’s time to vote for the best apps, games, and movies on Google Play! Why we do this, I have no idea, but it’s something we do. Every. Single. Year.

I’ve gone over the nominees, and honestly, there’s nothing too awesome to choose from in the apps category. There are apps such as Disney+, The Whisk, and Microsoft Office. Not a lot of cool stuff there. For games, voters can choose between awesome titles like SpongeBob: Krusty Cook-off, Legends of Runeterra, and The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross.

You can also vote for best movies and books of 2020. Obviously, the movies categories got a little screwed because of COVID, but you can still vote for films like Parasite, Knives Out, Just Mercy, and others. Parasite kicks so much ass.

Follow the link below to get your votes in. And please, radical left wingers, please only vote once this time. Kidding!

Vote Here

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from Droid Life
It’s Time to Vote for Google Play’s Best of 2020 It’s Time to Vote for Google Play’s Best of 2020 Reviewed by US Tech News on November 09, 2020 Rating: 5

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