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How to Check Who Follows Who on Twitter

With popular Twitter users boasting hundreds of thousands of followers, it is hard to find out who follows who. Or if a specific user is following another specific user.

If you have too much time on your hands you could scour their list of followers. However, if you have a life and want to do it quickly and easily, check out DoesFollow instead.

Find Out Who Follows Who on Twitter

By just entering a Twitter handle for each user, DoesFollow tells you if the first user follows the second user. The site gives you a simple “yup” or “nope” as an answer. You’ll also see the reverse, if the second user follows the first, right below the answer.

DoesFollow Yup Answer

In order to obtain the results on DoesFollow, you’ll be prompted to log into your Twitter account.

DoesFollow doesn’t have a bunch of additional features, but it does offer a few you might enjoy.

The Latest and Popular Checks

Above the search box, you can click Latest to see a list of the latest checks done on the site and Popular for the most popular ones.

The black arrow indicates if a user is following another and the red line means neither is following each other. You can also click the “Does [user one] follow [user two]?” link to see the answers.

DoesFollow Latest and Popular

How to Use DoesFollow Groups

Another cool DoesFollow feature is that you can create groups. With a group, you can check more than one Twitter user at a time.

  1. On the main DoesFollow page, click Make a New Group.
  2. Add a label for the group and enter the usernames.
  3. Click Submit.

DoesFollow Make Group

On the following page, you’ll see your group and the usernames in it. At the bottom, enter the username you want to check for your group and hit Submit.

DoesFollow Check A Group

You’ll see results just like the Latest and Popular checks with black arrows and red lines as they apply.

DoesFollow Group Results

You can also reuse and create additional groups. Click Make a New Group on the main DoesFollow page and you’ll see those you have created on the left, so you can revisit one, or you can make a new one on the right.

DoesFollow Lets You See Who Follows Who

If you’re curious to see whether Donald Trump follows Chance the Rapper or if Ariana Grande follows Gordon Ramsay, head to DoesFollow for the answer.

And if you want to remove all of your fake Twitter followers or see which Twitter accounts to follow for life hacks, we’ve got you covered.

Read the full article: How to Check Who Follows Who on Twitter

from MakeUseOf
How to Check Who Follows Who on Twitter How to Check Who Follows Who on Twitter Reviewed by US Tech News on May 11, 2020 Rating: 5

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