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Four short links: 15 April 2020

  1. Coding vs Programming (John Gruber) — I’d noticed this linguistic change too. See also Engineering vs Programming vs Computer Science. Coding is shorter so it’s probably gaining in popularity because shorter is easier to say and thus more convenient.
  2. micrograd (Andre Karpathy) — A tiny Autograd engine (with a bite! :D). Implements backpropagation (reverse-mode autodiff) over a dynamically built DAG and a small neural networks library on top of it with a PyTorch-like API. Both are currently about 50 lines of code each.
  3. Game Cheating in Hardware — pcileech WebRadar is a browser based radar cheat for CS:GO that can be run on a different PC, connected to a PCIe card providing direct memory access to the target computer. It’s like doping for e-sports. (via Luke Weston)
  4. Radar Trends to Watch: April 2020 — early weak signals of interesting developments in Ops & Infrastructure, Software Development, AI & ML, and Quantum Computing. Plus the unavoidable Coronavirus-driven changes.

from Radar
Four short links: 15 April 2020 Four short links: 15 April 2020 Reviewed by US Tech News on April 15, 2020 Rating: 5

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