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Four short links: 18 March 2020

  1. Inklewriter — open source interactive text adventure game creator. (Fun for adults, but also great to give to kids who love to read) (via Andy Baio)
  2. The Virus Survival Strategy Guide for Your Startup (Steve Blank) — Unfortunately, it’s no longer a normal market. All your assumptions about customers; sales cycle; and, most importantly, revenue, burn rate, and runway are no longer true. If you’re a startup, you’ve likely calculated your runway to last until you raise your next round of funding. Assuming there was going to be a next round. That may be no longer true.
  3. Free Cambridge University Textbooks — all available in HTML for free (gratis) until the end of May.
  4. Software Engineering at Google — a new O’Reilly book. Covers Google’s unique engineering culture, processes, and tools, and how these aspects contribute to the effectiveness of an engineering organization.

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Four short links: 18 March 2020 Four short links: 18 March 2020 Reviewed by US Tech News on March 18, 2020 Rating: 5

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