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Asana Keyboard Shortcuts for Efficient Task Management

To-do sign placed next to a keyboard and notebook

Asana is one of the best apps for project management. It’s a great functional way to organize your work and stay on top of projects, goals, and tasks.

If you use this free web-based app for collaborative task management at work, the cheat sheet below is a must-have. It lists various keyboard shortcuts that will help you use Asana more efficiently.

The cheat sheet covers shortcuts for navigating the Asana interface, creating tasks, formatting text, and managing your inbox. It also includes shortcuts to help you assign tasks, move them around, set due dates, and add subtasks, tags, and comments.

(New to this whole setup and need a quick lesson on the basics of Asana? Read our beginner’s guide to Asana for project management.)

FREE DOWNLOAD: This cheat sheet is available as a downloadable PDF from our distribution partner, TradePub. You will have to complete a short form to access it for the first time only. Download The Asana Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheet.

The Asana Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheet

On Windows, replace Cmd with Ctrl and Delete with Backspace in the shortcuts.

Shortcut Action
Tab + H Switch to Home
Tab + Z Switch to My Tasks
Tab + I Switch to Inbox
Tab + / Jump to search box
Tab + O Toggle sidebar
Task Creation and Quick Add
Tab + Q Quick add task
Enter Create new task
Shift + Enter Create new task above current task
Shift + Tab + F Create follow-up task
Tab + N Create new section
Tab + W Quick add conversation
Task Selection
Up Arrow / Down Arrow Select task above/below
Cmd + Up Arrow / Down Arrow Move selected task(s) up/down
Cmd + Shift + Up Arrow / Down Arrow Move selected task(s) to section above/below
Cmd + Click Select multiple tasks
Shift + Up Arrow / Down Arrow Select tasks above/below in order
Task Management
Tab + Enter Show task details
Esc Hide task details
Tab + R Edit task description
Tab + K Like selected task
Tab + C Add comment to selected task
Tab + T Add tag to task
Tab + S Add subtask to current task
Tab + A Assign selected task(s)
Tab + M Assign selected task(s) to self
Tab + D Set due date for selected task(s)
Tab + F Add collaborator(s) to task(s)
Tab + P Add selected task(s) to project(s)
Tab + X View task in full screen mode
Tab + Delete Delete selected task(s)
Tab + Y Mark task as Today in My Tasks
Tab + U Mark task as Upcoming in My Tasks
Tab + L Mark task as Later in My Tasks
Text Formatting
Cmd + B Bold/emphasize text
Cmd + I Italicize text
Cmd + U Underline text
Cmd + Shift + X Strike through text
Cmd + Shift + M Switch to monospaced type
Cmd + Shift + 7 Create numbered list
Cmd + Shift + 8 Create bulleted list
Tab OR Cmd + ] Increase list indent
Shift + Tab OR Cmd + [ Decrease list indent
In Inbox…
S Archive
H Activity
F Join/leave task
I Archive notification
U Move notification to Inbox
K Move up
J Move down

From Task Management to Task Execution

Asana equips you with all the right tools to make shared projects and task lists easy to handle. And pairing it with keyboard shortcuts can make your task management workflow a lot smoother.

Of course, at some point you have to move past organizing tasks and actually work on them. If you’re struggling with that bit, try these productivity tips backed by science.

Image Credit: Jealous Weekends on Unsplash

Read the full article: Asana Keyboard Shortcuts for Efficient Task Management

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Asana Keyboard Shortcuts for Efficient Task Management Asana Keyboard Shortcuts for Efficient Task Management Reviewed by US Tech News on March 26, 2020 Rating: 5

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