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Smartphone quiz: Can you finish it in 60 seconds?

60 seconds quiz image

This week’s quiz contains ten smartphone-related questions, and your goal is to answer them all in 60 seconds or less — exciting, I know! On average, that means you have to answer each question in six seconds. Can you get it done?

There’s a timer in the top-right corner of the quiz you can keep an eye on as you go through the questions, but you’ll see the exact time it took you to complete the quiz at the end. If you manage to finish it in a minute or less, make a screenshot of the quiz and share it in the comments below. Feel free to do that even if you weren’t able to beat the clock, or just write your score along with your time in the comments to compare it with others. Good luck!

Note: If you don’t see a Start button, click here.

This is the 68th quiz in our regular weekly series. You can take a few of the most popular ones via the links below or check out all of them by clicking here.

Let us know which questions you thought were the hardest and share your result with others in the comments!

More posts about Pop quizzes

from Android Authority
Smartphone quiz: Can you finish it in 60 seconds? Smartphone quiz: Can you finish it in 60 seconds? Reviewed by US Tech News on December 21, 2019 Rating: 5

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