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Video: Here is Motorola’s Design Story for the Foldable Razr

The foldable Motorola Razr is a really expensive mid-tier phone that I want in hand so badly. I want to do that old flip phone snap. I want to analyze that hinge, especially after seeing Samsung’s failure of an attempt at a foldable. I want to bring back a piece of whatever mid-2000 year it was that I couldn’t afford the old Razr phones. I want it all.

Since I can’t at the moment do any of that, I wanted to share this video that I quite enjoyed where Motorola takes us behind-the-scenes with the story of this new foldable Razr phone. They show off a number of designs, talk about its sexy-as-hell hinge with parts that “collapse out of the way” when closed, and sell you on why you just might want this thing.

Oh, man, $1,500 is nuts, but I’m a tech guy and this does look sweet, assuming there’s a great return policy.

from Droid Life
Video: Here is Motorola’s Design Story for the Foldable Razr Video: Here is Motorola’s Design Story for the Foldable Razr Reviewed by US Tech News on November 13, 2019 Rating: 5

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