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Four short links: 27 November 2019

  1. Combya tool for matching and rewriting code.
  2. Continuous Contrast Set Mining (Facebook) — effectively a paper on CCSM, an anomaly-detection framework that uses contrast set mining (CSM) techniques to locate statistically “interesting” (defined by several statistical properties) sets of features in groups. A novel algorithm we’ve developed extends standard contrast set mining from categorical data to continuous data, inspired by tree search algorithms and multiple hypothesis testing.
  3. Building Your First Program SynthesizerIn this post, I want to get concrete and show what’s involved in building a synthesis tool. By the end of this post, we’ll have a tool that can synthesize simple arithmetic expressions.
  4. My Travel Habits — some very good travel hacks from VM Brasseur, but I just needed to be told the answer to “should I pack this?” is always “NO.”

from Radar
Four short links: 27 November 2019 Four short links: 27 November 2019 Reviewed by US Tech News on November 27, 2019 Rating: 5

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