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This week in Android: Huawei P30 Pro camera controversy and Galaxy Fold delay

Huawei P30 Pro camera array with glare

This week saw the Galaxy Fold pushed release pushed back, which came as little surprise after the serious issues encountered by reviewers. The phone repair website iFixit published ideas about what was behind the issues, but was eventually pressured by Samsung to take down the article. Huawei was once again mired in controversy over the P30 Pro’s ‘Moon Mode’, which appears to add details not present in pictures taken by the phone.

Our reviewers were very busy this week, pushing out reviews of the Huawei P30, the Xiaomi Black Shark 2 and Redmi 7, the Realmi 3 Pro, and a hands-on with the Meizu 16s. For those of you who love to snap pictures, we continued our camera review series with the LG G8 ThinQ and Nokia 9 PureView camera reviews. Neither managed to impress, which is surprising given the Nokia 9’s highly marketed five-camera setup.

In non-smartphone news, we reviewed the new 2019 Amazon Kindle, which appears to be the cream of the e-reader crop. Samsung released three new tablets, which are already available for purchase.

Here are the top 10 Android stories of the week

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from Android Authority
This week in Android: Huawei P30 Pro camera controversy and Galaxy Fold delay This week in Android: Huawei P30 Pro camera controversy and Galaxy Fold delay Reviewed by US Tech News on April 28, 2019 Rating: 5

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